Your score is 100%.Questions answered correctly first time: 15/15
1. What does the introductory paragraph do?
A. It helps you to develop the essay.
B. It shows in a sentence the essay's purpose.
C. It summarizes the main idea of the essay.
D. :-) It introduces the main idea of the essay.
2. Select the most appropiate transition word to add more information:
A. On the other hand.
B. First.
C. :-) Furthermore.
D. Thus.
3. Which transition words do you need to show cause and effect?
A. However, even though, on the other hand, nevertheless.
B. Another, in addition to, related to, furthermore, also.
C. First, second, third.
D. :-) Therefore, thus, as result of, consequently.
4. What does the concluding paragraph do?
A. :-) It summarizes or restates the main idea of the essay.
B. It provides background information about the topic.
C. It introduces the main idea of the essay.
D. It develops the main idea of the essay.
5. In a descriptive essay you should...
A. :-) Provide details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel or sounds.
B. Discuss the similarities and differences between two things, people, concepts, places, etc.
C. Present objections and refute them.
D. Separate things or ideas into specific categories and discuss each of them.
6. What is a thesis statement?
A. It is the first sentence of each paragraph.
B. :-) It is a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph, that present your argument to the reader.
C. It is a sentence that connect to paragraph.
D. It is a sentence that gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to deal with.
7. What is a supporting paragraph?
A. It is the opening paragraph that catch the reader interest.
B. It is a paragraph that contains the thesis statement.
C. :-) It is a pargraph that makes up the main body of the essay.
D. It is the conclution of an essay after you have finished developing your ideas.
8. A subordinating conjunction is use to...
A. To join individual words, phrases and independent clause.
B. :-) To introduce a dependent clause and indicate the nature of the relationship amog dependent clause and the independent clause.
C. To link equivalent sentence elements.
D. To keep coherence.
9. A traditionally thesis statement is...
A. As long as a composition.
B. :-) No longer than one or possible two sentences, even if your paper is long.
C. As long as you want.
D. As long as the concluding paragraph.
10. What is a topic sentence?
A. It is a sentence that identifies the purpose of an essay.
B. :-) It is a sentence that gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to be about.
C. It is a sentence that declares what you believe and what you intend to prove.
D. It is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the essay is going to deal with.
11. What do we use transition words for?
A. :-) We use them to connect paragraphs and make an essay easier to read.
B. We use them to separate one paragraph from another.
C. We use them to link the thesis statement and final thoughts.
D. We use them to put in order a paragraph.
12. What is an essay?
A. It is a text about several topics.
B. :-) It is an organized collection of your ideas about an specific topic.
C. It is a text where you can write all kind of ideas.
D. It is a long composition about someone's private life.
13. What is an outline?
A. It is a draft that contains all the ideas of the essay.
B. It is a text that provides ideas.
C. It is a guideline that will help you to find the purpose of the essay.
D. :-) It is an organized format of your ideas.
14. What is an argumentative essay?
A. :-) It is an essay that attempts to persuade the reader to the writer's point of view.
B. It is an essay that explains why or how some events happened, and what the results are.
C. Its is a essay that defines and classifies things or ideas into specific categories.
D. It is an essay that gives directions or intructions about how to complete a task, or how something is done.
15. An effective paragraph should contain:
A. A topic sentence and the major points.
B. :-) Unity, coherence, a topic sentence and adequate development.
C. An introductory, supporting and concluding paragraph.
D. A thesis statement.
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